Knowing when to visit COVID testing sites could be one avenue through which you’d be able to keep yourself and others around you safe. COVID testing sites are now more accessible than ever. People can just go get COVID-tested at any time, whether right before heading off on a trip, during times when one might feel sick or if they have had any other reason to suspect they could have been exposed. It’s in the name of public health and taking care of personal well-being, too.
When You’re Experiencing Symptoms
Possibly, the best time to visit a COVID testing site would be when you are sick and have started showing symptoms. These symptoms include fever, chills, cough, sore throat, body pain, or a loss of appetite and smell. All these symptoms, even in their mildest forms, need to be tested as soon as possible to stop the spread of the virus.
Following Exposure to COVID-19
Should someone get tested after contact with someone who tested positive? Absolutely. It is recommended to go out to a COVID testing site, but again, this has to be done within a certain period right after exposure to someone testing positive. Sometimes, COVID-19 will live in the person’s system, giving no warnings, only to pop up in tests after many days or not at all. The best way of protection for friends and family is to make sure that one stops by the testing center shortly after contact with the sick person. This protects everyone else too! You can also consult a healthcare provider to identify the waiting period before taking a test.
Testing sites, such as CommunityMed Care, for instance, will provide the patient with an easy and convenient way of testing the virus. A visit to the COVID testing site shows one is concerned about the potential spread. This kind of mindset is a vision toward keeping the entire area and state healthier.
Preparing for Travel or Events
Before you travel to places where you’ll be much safer with proof of a COVID test, you’ll probably need to go to a COVID testing site. Not sure when to get tested before traveling? Typically, you need to go at least a few hours to a few days before flight, but it all depends on the requirements of the destination.
After Returning from a High-Risk Area
Returning from somewhere crowded or anywhere else that’s brought you into a higher-risk situation? Infection isn’t 100% certain, but spending time in risky places where there are a lot of people, increases your chances. No matter how many precautions are taken to reduce the spread, because there are so many other people to (potentially) factor into the equation, there are still chances for you to be unknowingly exposed to COVID-19. It’s just what happens when humans come together in tight, spottily packed spaces.
Choosing to get tested in situations like that (especially before visiting with someone or an at-risk group of folks) is an easy way to care for yourself and your community.
By going to COVID testing sites, you’re taking a proactive step to protect the health of your community. CommunityMed Care is here to help keep your world a little safer, and a little healthier.